
Sketches for designs that are still in progress or exist only on paper.


Concept development for art, design, sculpture, installations inspired by the natural world.

B Collection

A variety of concepts for vessels exploring form, molding, stacking and composition.

Pencil, colored pencil, pen

Light Rods

A variety of concepts for LED lights as desk accessories, sculptures, art and design.

Pencil, colored pencil, pen.



Concept sketch for illuminated light book, LED, hinged desktop lamp

Hannukah Menorah

A variety of concepts for new hannukah menorahs.

Pencil, Colored Pencil, Pen

Dining Tables

A variety of concepts for executive desks, dining tables or conference tables.

Solid Works renderings



Vessel designs to hold water, tea or flowers.

Extruded or molded


Floor standing water lamp inspired by nature and the beauty of light reflection and movement upon water.

Steel, Glass tray, Light Sourceource, Water

1992- present


Seating concepts



Rugs, placemats, desk pads, mouse pads, cup holders, etc.

Quantum Furniture LLC, Office Seating Concepts

A variety of concepts were developed and presented for mass production of office seating systems for Staples stores around the world.

Quantum Furniture New York, New York

Zelco Industries

Concept designs for a variety of ideas to be taken into prototype and production.

Mt. Vernon

New York

Magnet Table

A variety of concepts developed and continue to be explored inspired by nature and magnetic filings, magnets and human touch. Intended for children to adults this is a meditative and creative expression, joy, wonder with interactive and physical play.

Magnetic filings, Magnets

Design Process

Explorations into varieties of approaches to the design process. I have been influenced by the design process since 1978 and began a deep dive into these processes with my own work and teachign over the years. I began to look into ways we might approach the phases or names of the processes and relate them to other creative endeavors including poetry, art, sculpture, film, and more complex problems in the realm of the human condition. The work involved a number of research assistants over a number of years that explored these phases interweaving traditional design processes, the twelve stages of the heroes journey (inspired by Joseph Campbell), the twelve steps of recovery from (AA and related 12 step programs), and my own interpretation of the 12 stages of the design process.