I know it's you
30 December 2019
1:00 pm
New only on computer notes
I know it's you that thinks things like this are true
I know it's you that things like this are true
that there is left and right, up and down, right and wrong but I know something else It's judgment that never allows one to change their mind
that keeping people and things that you don't agree with just fuels the fire that lives with all of us
each and every day
you say you are kind and righteous you don't let them have a voice other than yours
It may be true but I see a different side
I see that you have an idea of right and wrong and that some people will never change
so you keep them out of your life and condemn them every which way you like
let the world know you know it's true what you don't see is this controls you
every way in every which way you do tell them what you do
It will set you free It will set you free